How likely are you to recommend Amanda Kirschenman?

highly likely

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Summary of their experience
When we found out we were being transferred out of state because of my job we panicked a little bit because we did not have a lot of time to sell our home and to top it off it was over the Christmas and New years holidays. We checked out several agents on line and everyone seemed to have good reviews, but we narrowed it down and choose Amanda. Was that ever a good decision, because right after we called her she came over to our home, looked it over, took some pictures and told us she had potential buyers that might be interested. We were totally impressed with her confidence and dedication to selling our home, and 8 days after she listed our home we had a full offer and sold our home. If you are serious about buying or selling a home we highly recommend Amanda. She is just an amazing agent.

Service provided
Listed and sold a home or lot/land

Street address
628 Seahawk Dr, Rapid City, SD 57701
